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Getting Real with God


366 Days in the Presence of God

A prayer for every day of the year to help lead us into the presence of God, so we can experience the truth of Psalm 16:11, "You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore."


The Dirty Dozen

12 Things God Cannot Do!


As a believer in God, can you even conceive that there are some things God cannot do? It sounds absurd. It’s unsettling and it’s a contradiction of everything that you have been taught to believe about the God who is Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient. If that’s the case then what are the things God cannot do? Here’s one of them: God cannot fail!


The Wizard Of Oz & You


Since twelve is such a significant number in the scriptures, we have chosen to identify twelve standards for church leaders which are (1) salvation, (2) church membership, (3) prayer, (4) worship and praise, (5) bible study, (6) tithing, (7) support of the pastor, the vision and the administration, (8) leadership, (9) diligence with joy, (10) correct prioritizing, (11) sensitivity to image as a church leader and (12) witnessing. Leadership means going above and beyond the average member in terms of sacrifice and service.


A Prayer a Day

366 Days in the Presence of God


A prayer for every day of the year to help lead us into the presence of God, so we can experience the truth of Psalm 16:11, " You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures forevermore."


Everyone Is Recovering From Something


Biblical Strategies for Overcoming Life's Setbacks

One of the cardinal rules of being human is that nobody, absolutely nobody, goes through life without something in their past or present that either accompanies them like a shadow that waits for the right conditions to manifest itself, or haunts them like a ghost and can impact their personality, character, perception of others and vision of life- for better or for worse. Everybody is either trying to live up to something or someone, or live down something or someone, and the process has either shaken or shaped their core values.

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Roots of Resistance


The Nonviolent Ethic of Martin Luther King, Jr.


Preparing Joshua

Equipping the Next Generation for Leadership  


Preparing Joshua offers lessons learned for over 40 years of ministry experience to those who serve in church leadership. In his usual pastoral style, Watley mentors an emerging generation of leadership of leaders by providing key insights of leadership transition, succession, handling financial responsibilities, and personal attacks. While this work has particular significance for those who serve the Church, its lessons will benefit those who lead in any organizational setting


Poems Of A Son, Prayers Of A Father


The poems of a teenage Afro-American boy about his thoughts and feelings are accompanied by prayers his father wrote in response to the poems.


Like Father Like Daughter


Meditations & Reflections on Fathers and Daughters in the Bible


What do David and Tamar, and Jarius and his daughter has in common? Each pair is one of the father/daughter relationships explored in this one-off-a-kind collection of meditations and reflections by prolific author, and pastor Dr. William D. Watley and his daughter, Rev. Jennifer Watley Maxwell. Since the beginning of time, father/daughter have proven to be some of the most cherished and challenging. 

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Less than Tipping

Twenty-five Reasons To Tithe


Tithing as a lifestyle means the giving of a tenth of everything we have and everything we are--time, talent, and treasure, as minimum gifts of worship, praise and thanksgiving to God, after we have given ourselves to the Lord. All that we have and all that we are belong to God. When we receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we consciously, joyfully, and willfully acknowledge, surrender, and commit all that we are and all that we have to God. 

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Less Than Tipping

Less Than Tipping

Questions & Answers About Tithing


The questions in the booklet are by no means exhaustive. There are many others that could be raised about the no means intended to be a major treatise on the subject. The goal is to address some of the questions many persons need assistance in answering as they prayerfully consider the subject of tithing. To persons who are already tithing, it is hoped that this publication will give you further understanding and insight into the way of life known as tithing. To persons who are not yet tithers...

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Bring The Full Tithe

Sermons On The Grace Of Giving


In this dynamic sermon series, Dr. Watley convincingly shows the biblical foundation for tithing. Speaking from his own life and ministry, he testifies to the transformation that results when people offer their full tithes to God. Readers will see that churches can begin to fulfill their potential when members respond to God s goodness by returning to God a tenth of their time and income.


Financial Barriers

Messages For Finiancal Empowerment


God has a vision for our lives that is greater than any vision we can have for ourselves. However many persons are not walking in the vision God has for their lives or living to their maximum capacity because of financial issues. Many persons still struggle with financial bondage and management. Salvation and deliverance from a number of other demons and issues does not necessarily mean that people have a proper understanding or theology of money or that they know how to manage it.

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Congratulations! You Are A Chaperone

Principles for Making an Unforgettable Difference In the Lives of Young People


A chaperone in its simplest and most basic fundamental definition is a person who accompanies and supervises a young woman or a group of young people. The chaperone is derived from late Middle English and denotes a hood or cap, which were regarded as giving protection. Chaperones then, are persons who are so trustworthy and have such character that they are considered diligent and responsible enough..


Doing Church Vol. 1

A Practical Guide, By Those Who Do it…


Doing Church: We have drawn together some of the best minds and practitioners of our time who had established themselves as imperfectly proficient in doing church. While none pf our contributors is perfect, each has impeccable credentials, credibility, and a proven track record in the areas in which they has written. I am sure that you as a reader will appreciate both their personal and transparent writing style as well as their authoritative and academic contributions.

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Doing Church Vol. 2

A Practical Guide, By Those Who Do it…


Doing Church: We have drawn together some of the best minds and practitioners of our time who had established themselves as imperfectly proficient in doing church. While none pf our contributors is perfect, each has impeccable credentials, credibility, and a proven track record in the areas in which they has written. I am sure that you as a reader will appreciate both their personal and transparent writing style as well as their authoritative and academic contributions.


12 Standards For Church Leaders


Since twelve is such a significant number in the scriptures, we have chosen to identify twelve standards for church leaders which are (1) salvation, (2) church membership, (3) prayer, (4) worship and praise, (5) bible study, (6) tithing, (7) support of the pastor, the vision and the administration, (8) leadership, (9) diligence with joy, (10) correct prioritizing, (11) sensitivity to image as a church leader and (12) witnessing. Leadership means going above and beyond the average member in terms of sacrifice and service....


10 Steps To Financial Freedom


Money mismanagement issues do not mean that we are bad people. Being deep in debt does not make one a bad or evil person. Money mismanagement issues and critical debt simply means that God's people need assistance in managing money. While there are those who know how to make and manage money, others of us need assistance in acquiring that knowledge. There is no mystique in making and managing money. These skills can be taught and learned like any other skill such as driving a car, playing a piano, or learning to use technology.

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